Kingdom Business Partners

Working for the Kingdom of God in Turkey and the Middle East


Business Men and Women
Supporting Christian Workers
through Business Projects


Church Planting Fund

KBP is affiliated with Silk Wave Mission (SWM) and raises Church Planting Fund (CPF)

  1. To recruit and support local church pioneers and preachers

  2. To support various projects to aid pioneer churches

  3. To support the overall ministry of SWM


Supporting Local Church Planters

Instead of sending missionaries from South Korea and the U.S., KBP with the help of SWM recruits and supports local christians who are interested in church planting movement. One of the main objectives of KBP is to establish churches in the unreached areas/provinces of Turkey and the Middle East


Business As Mission (BAM)

Local churches and ministers heavily rely on the financial support of foreign churches. KBP aims to establish financially independent local churches.

KBP is consisted of businessmen/women who have expertise in various areas of business. KBP recruits and trains faithful local church members to start a business. After a thorough review, KBP loans the trained applicant money to start a business. Under the supervision of KBP members, the applicant learns to manage a successful business and is able to financially help local churches.

Our Partner


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(714) 999-8639